23 dec. 2014
Goodmorning Sweden / 5 reasons to leave/stay in Paris
So, good people, followers and friends! The time has come for me to tell you that I can no longer call this blog 'Goodmorning Paris' because as from last thursday I am no longer a parisienne... At least not for a couple of months. I'm taking a petit Paris break and going back to les racines. So here are my 5 reasons why staying in Paris was not one of my options anymore.
1. 6 years in this city. It's a long time people. When you start to feeling blasé when you go out, when you meet new people, when you meet guys (sorry), you know you need a change- or just a little break?
2. I need some simplicity for a while, in one area at least. Living in another country where you don't speak the language can be a huge challenge, and at the same time it really makes you grow as a person in so many ways. But when it comes to that point when people still asks you where your accent's from after so long time in this country, and you always have to answer the mandatory 3-5 questions before you can get to the heart of a person, and you're so tired of it, you know it's time to leave.
3. It is not possible that life can be just one long apero. This one is not that serious, but this city does offer a lot of temptations. It's all about profiter. And when you're a foreigner in a foreigner's land, never knowing when will be your last friday, saturday, sunday, monday etc. in this city, you always try and make the best of it.
4. Because of Sweden. I miss lösgodis, swedish winter/spring/summer, bright summer nights, my family and being a person first and foremost, not a foreigner.
5. Because life is about evolving, learning and meeting new challenges and keeping the wheel turning. Not staying in something because it's comfortable. You might think that leaving Paris for Stockholm won't be such a big challenge for a swede, but I have a lot of unpicked bones in this country, I've never lived in this city more than 2 months, I have a few work related contacts and I don't know how long time it's gonna take before I find a job. So I'm sure it's not going to be only easy.
5 reasons to stay in Paris
So these might be the reasons I might come back in the future, so none of the above will be held against me once yo've read this:
1. Because of my apartment. These extra 10m2 that I had longed for so long.It's placement. My neighborhood. How I got it.
2. The croissants au beurre in the morning with an expresso, the ever so accessible whine sur une terasse, the pastries, the Monoprix at Ledru Rollin which I love, the never-ending nights in Le Marais, the international vibe, la perle, restaurant Chez Janou, having a history in a city, all these things are priceless.
3. Because of les francais...
4. Because of you never know what can happen in this city. Paris is always a white sheet and you can surely write your own story in this city.
4. Because of all the friends I've made in Paris. <3 font="">3>
So with that dear readers, will you follow me to Stockholm? Or was the whole idea of this blog just about Paris?
25 nov. 2014
Hello ! One week ago I got the honor to film the group GRAND BAIN's concert during a cold Monday evening at the very historical and mythical nightclub Le Baron. It was a very nice evening and I'm so impressed by my friends Erica and Jules' talent and drive. So much energy and power in their music. Take a listen to their new song called "Reflex". You can listen to more of their songs here. This is the second time I film and edit a concert and I can tell you it's not the easiest task, so please be indulgent when you watch ;)
5 nov. 2014
Hello good people! How was your Halloween? Mine was pretty pleasant. My very good californian friend Erica threw a lovely party at her place in the 20th with lots of food, nice people and a good american Halloween vibe. Then the party continued to the 18th and Natalia form Brazil’s party in Gray Gardens. I always feel a bit weird at Halloween, I’m not really the type who likes to dress out, but do it occasionally, and this was definitely a rare moment! And since it’s so rare and I think it’s a scary holiday seeing all these ghosts and skeletons with completely white eyes, I chose something quite simple; can you guess who I was incarnating? Bought a bottle of black hair-spray that I found at the very last minute, took my white fur coat out and brushed some blue on my eye-lids and voilà! Could have get more of a satisfied grin on, but I guess I wasn’t feeling very evil…
What did you dress out as?
4 nov. 2014
Here are 5 things I like and that cheer me up in the beginning of this first grey week of november.
#1 Gail Albert Halaban's series of photos of Parisians in their apartments - Paris views.
It makes me so nostalgic about the parisian winter and the cold . Video here.
#2 Velvet Dust. My very good texan friend Jessica Thompson and her online webzine which I love so much. It's an online magazine that four times a year comes out with a series of photos inspired by a theme. The Velvet Dust editorial staff is before every number calling out for young and talented photographers and artists from all over the world to contribute to the final product with their work. This time the theme was Sports and the result is just amazing. Have a look here.
#3 This statement from Benedict Cumberbatch.
#4 That I this month am getting overwhelmed (and so busy) with all the visits I'm getting from friends from all over Europe (Amsterdam, Stockholm and Rome) and in three weeks I'm off to Amsterdam myself to join friends from there and Copenhagen- I could put together my own FIFA team with all these international friends. So much love compressed in one month.
#5 This interview with Lena Dunham.
Have a good week les amis! Photos of my Halloween friday in short. Come back in a few!
#1 Gail Albert Halaban's series of photos of Parisians in their apartments - Paris views.
It makes me so nostalgic about the parisian winter and the cold . Video here.
#2 Velvet Dust. My very good texan friend Jessica Thompson and her online webzine which I love so much. It's an online magazine that four times a year comes out with a series of photos inspired by a theme. The Velvet Dust editorial staff is before every number calling out for young and talented photographers and artists from all over the world to contribute to the final product with their work. This time the theme was Sports and the result is just amazing. Have a look here.
#3 This statement from Benedict Cumberbatch.
#4 That I this month am getting overwhelmed (and so busy) with all the visits I'm getting from friends from all over Europe (Amsterdam, Stockholm and Rome) and in three weeks I'm off to Amsterdam myself to join friends from there and Copenhagen- I could put together my own FIFA team with all these international friends. So much love compressed in one month.
#5 This interview with Lena Dunham.
Have a good week les amis! Photos of my Halloween friday in short. Come back in a few!
31 okt. 2014
Goodbye Sara!
Sara<3 comment-3--="" nbsp="">3>
Hello everybody! Been a little out of it the past week, I had a great birthday celebration on last Wednesday and on Thursday I got super-sick. So spent almost all my week-end in bed watching old movies and TWD, oh my God it's so thrilling! Anyways, here are some photos of a party I went to 2 weeks ago. A very dear friend of mine, Sara, is leaving Paris after 4 years together in this city years! She's going back to live in Sweden with her man and their adorable little son Louis. This was their goodbye-party 2 weeks ago. Going to miss you so much!<3 font="">3>
23 okt. 2014
Celebrated my birthday last night in the best of ways! Had apero with what it seemed like the whole population of Argentina at the food and beverage fair Sial in northern Paris. After that, the night continued with dinner at LOUP and drinks and dancing at this new place called BALLROOM!
AND PEOPLE! This is the last day that you can vote for my blog on the GOLDEN BLOG AWARDS, so please spare me a second and click on "JE VOTE" to put your vote on Goodmorning Paris. Would make me happy. And more photos from this week-end and yesterday are coming up soon.
Celebrated my birthday last night in the best of ways! Had apero with what it seemed like the whole population of Argentina at the food and beverage fair Sial in northern Paris. After that, the night continued with dinner at LOUP and drinks and dancing at this new place called BALLROOM!
AND PEOPLE! This is the last day that you can vote for my blog on the GOLDEN BLOG AWARDS, so please spare me a second and click on "JE VOTE" to put your vote on Goodmorning Paris. Would make me happy. And more photos from this week-end and yesterday are coming up soon.
20 okt. 2014
Good morning everybody! Hope you all had a good week-end with a lot of rest and fun. I managed to squeeze in a little soirée on saturday. So happy to spend some time with friends and be able to meet new people! I'm on my way out right now but I just wanted to let you know that you can now vote for my blog on the Golden Blog Awards. The votes are closing on thursday so you still have another 4 days to go in 4 times and give your vote to my blog. Would be nice of you. Click on "JE VOTE".
17 okt. 2014
15 okt. 2014
14 okt. 2014
It's not what you look like, when you're doin' what you're doin' It's what you're doin' when you're doin' what you look like you're doin'!
Listening to Charles Wright and I only have one thing on my mind this morning and it is: Express yourself! Heading off to le 16ème now for some work related things.
Speaking of work, I know that you're about a small-town sized group of people coming in here everyday, and I would like to get to know you guys! WHO are you? WHY do you come in here? And, most importantly, WHAT would you like to see more of? Please share with me, I would be happy to be able to get this blogie running a little faster (and better).
13 okt. 2014
5 recurrent Parisian pick-up lines from a Swedish girl’s point of view
Ok, so I made a little list for you guys, the 5 most common things I hear the minutes after I tell a guy that I'm from Sweden. When I'm out and the situation has a flirtatious connotation. Bien sûr.
1. "Ah so you’re Swedish?! IKEEEEAAAAAAA!!!"
2. "But your french is really great!?!"
-My personal response: that's just how skilled I am baby, why so surprised?
-My personal response: that's just how skilled I am baby, why so surprised?
3. "Is that your real hair color?"
- Dude, have you seen Breathless?
5. ”Oh but you look like this swedish actress, what’s her name? Victoria? Anita? Ingrid?!
Does anyone have similar experiences?
5. ”Oh but you look like this swedish actress, what’s her name? Victoria? Anita? Ingrid?!
Does anyone have similar experiences?
7 okt. 2014
Material Girl
So my birthday is coming up in almost exactly 2 weeks, and here are some things I've been dreaming of lately to either extend my closet or/and my mind.
1. New perfumes! Love all Tom Fords' and would LOVE to try this one out.
2. Lena Dunham's first book "Not that kind of girl"
3. A new hat, to look fierce and cool in this already too cold fall.
4. A little bit more of this state of mind.
5. "How to be Parisian wherever you are" by cool and inspiring model/music-producer Caroline de Maigret and her friends Sophie Mas, Audrey Diwan and Anne Berest.
6. A new bag where I can fit my computer.
3 okt. 2014
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Boys boys boys! |
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Linnéa! |
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Lisa! And you can also get a glimpse of the flowers that I just bought for the window. So cute! |
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Girls and boys. |
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Last night I had a few friends over for drinks or l'apero as they say here. The reason? No reason necessary to get together and catching up with old a new friends!
17 aug. 2014
word one
Tillfällen det är dåligt att inte vara i ett förhållande med en stark och modig karl men bra att ha tjejkompisar 1.
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Demonstration i våras för att Spanien skulle få ha kvar fri abort. |
När man hittar en död, förmultnad och
tillplattad råtta i sitt källarförråd. Som man först tror är ett eklöv och
undrar vad det gör där. den låg kvar några veckor tills en väninna skuffade
undan den ut i korridoren (not my problem anymore)
18 juli 2014
Pardon my french / the art to tutoyer and vouvoyer
This constant question. When do you say vous to somebody and when do you say tu? As a Swedish girl with the habit of saying "tu" to everyone I meet, no matter age, social position what kind of relationship you have to the person in front of you, this was quite difficult to understand in the beginning. So I just went on and said "vous" to everyone who's wasn't my age or "an equal" (that is, colleagues who are older, classmates etc). Now I say "tu" as soon as someone else does the same, and I only "vouvoie" when I'm in very official situation. But my rule is; when someone is saying "tu" to me, I do the same. If it's not le président de la Republique that is... Here you can read more about it and do a little test if you're about to move to France and want to have a little deeper understanding.
12 juli 2014
58 questions
2. what would you name your future kids? I don't know? I think I'll have to decide that with my future partner. But when I was little I LOVED Natacha.
3. do you miss anyone? I miss my family!
4. what are you looking forward to? This fall. Vacation. Getting a new apartment (Hopefully).
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? Puppies!
6. is it hard for you to get over someone? It depends on who I have to get over, but normally yes of course if there was a lot of feelings involved. I'm no ice woman- no matter what people may think.
7. what was your life like last year? It was good. Mellow, nothing less, nothing more. A year of stabilization but also new experiences and getting things together…
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? annoyed I don’t know…
9. who did you last see in person? Frida!
10. are you good at hiding your feelings? I think I'm quite transparent, but can be a very good actress in real life as well...
11. are you listening to music right now? Yes! Karen Dalton.
12. what is something you want right now? New apartment!
13. how do you feel right now? Normal.
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? Yesterday.
15. personality description independent, straightforward and happy!
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? Maaaany times.
17. opinion on insecurities ???
18. do you miss how things were a year ago? No I think they are better now, life just gets better and better.
19. have you ever been to New York? No, BUT SOON.
20. what is your favourite song at the moment? This one:
21. age and birthday? 25, october 22d.
22. description of my current crush? haa. Too private.
23. fear(s) I have a strong fear of getting older and to grow old alone.
24. height 176cm
25. role model All Swedish strong feminist women who are not stopping the fight and keep on going no matter how much shit they have to take! My both parents :)
26. idol(s) Isn’t that something you have when you’re like 10?
27. things i hate when people sneeze or cough in their hands! They never go and wash their hands after!
20. what is your favourite song at the moment? This one:
21. age and birthday? 25, october 22d.
22. description of my current crush? haa. Too private.
23. fear(s) I have a strong fear of getting older and to grow old alone.
24. height 176cm
25. role model All Swedish strong feminist women who are not stopping the fight and keep on going no matter how much shit they have to take! My both parents :)
26. idol(s) Isn’t that something you have when you’re like 10?
27. things i hate when people sneeze or cough in their hands! They never go and wash their hands after!
28. i’ll love you if… you make me laugh, you're spontaneous, have some kind of charisma going on and not afraid to meet new people
29. favourite film(s) I love many films but I recently saw Howard Hawks’ Bringing up Baby and I love it! Otherwise everything from Xavier Dolan and Christophe Honoré.
30. favourite tv show(s) friends, satc, girls, The walking dead, himym, OITNB
31. 3 random facts I'm a 8th part french and an 8th part British, I had a gap between my incisives up until the age of 14, I have a collection of blazers in my wardrobe, I had to sell some but throughout the years I think I had about 30 different…
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? girls. guys are good for other stuff…
33. something you want to learn better Photoshop, better in taking photos, better italian and spanish!
34. most embarrassing moment a lot of them! I tend to forget them after…
35. favorite subject Languages!
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Make a documentary, buy my apartment, travel and work around the world.
37. favourite actor/actress Cate Blanchett
38. favourite comedian(s) Sarah Silverman
39. favourite sport(s) Tennis
40. favorite memory When me and a friend traveled one summer in the south of France, Italy and Spain, it was the craziest week in my life!
41. relationship status steadily independent.
42. favourite book(s) The unbearable lightness of being by Kundera
43. favourite song ever A te by Jovanotti
44. age you get mistaken for 27
45. how you found out about your idol will not answer more questions about idols.
46. what my last text message says prego.
47. turn ons big hands, tall people, self secure and good language skills
48. turn offs dirt under fingernails or biting on them, greasy hair, speaking while eating...
49. where i want to be right now on a beach in Italy
50. favourite picture of your idol what’s up with the Idols??
51. star sign Libra
52. something i’m talented at acting, languages, speaking up, getting shit done
53. 5 things that make me happy phone calls, compliments, nice words, seeing my family, achieving things in my work
54. something that’s worrying me at the moment not having enough money to do all the things I want to do this summer.
55. tumblr friends I don't have any tumblr friends yet but here's mine.
56. favourite food(s) pizza and pasta! and thai.
57. favourite animal(s) dogs
58. description of my best friend loyal, supportive and the kindest!
29. favourite film(s) I love many films but I recently saw Howard Hawks’ Bringing up Baby and I love it! Otherwise everything from Xavier Dolan and Christophe Honoré.
30. favourite tv show(s) friends, satc, girls, The walking dead, himym, OITNB
31. 3 random facts I'm a 8th part french and an 8th part British, I had a gap between my incisives up until the age of 14, I have a collection of blazers in my wardrobe, I had to sell some but throughout the years I think I had about 30 different…
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? girls. guys are good for other stuff…
33. something you want to learn better Photoshop, better in taking photos, better italian and spanish!
34. most embarrassing moment a lot of them! I tend to forget them after…
35. favorite subject Languages!
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Make a documentary, buy my apartment, travel and work around the world.
37. favourite actor/actress Cate Blanchett
38. favourite comedian(s) Sarah Silverman
39. favourite sport(s) Tennis
40. favorite memory When me and a friend traveled one summer in the south of France, Italy and Spain, it was the craziest week in my life!
41. relationship status steadily independent.
42. favourite book(s) The unbearable lightness of being by Kundera
43. favourite song ever A te by Jovanotti
44. age you get mistaken for 27
45. how you found out about your idol will not answer more questions about idols.
46. what my last text message says prego.
47. turn ons big hands, tall people, self secure and good language skills
48. turn offs dirt under fingernails or biting on them, greasy hair, speaking while eating...
49. where i want to be right now on a beach in Italy
50. favourite picture of your idol what’s up with the Idols??
51. star sign Libra
52. something i’m talented at acting, languages, speaking up, getting shit done
53. 5 things that make me happy phone calls, compliments, nice words, seeing my family, achieving things in my work
54. something that’s worrying me at the moment not having enough money to do all the things I want to do this summer.
55. tumblr friends I don't have any tumblr friends yet but here's mine.
56. favourite food(s) pizza and pasta! and thai.
57. favourite animal(s) dogs
58. description of my best friend loyal, supportive and the kindest!
11 juli 2014
Last week-end Erica, Jules and I left a rainy Paris for Le Vaumin and the wedding between Rosaleen and Pierre-Francois. R met PF when the 3 of us were studying french at La Sorbonne back in 2007. What started off as a flirt 6 1/2 years ago resulted now in a wedding invitation and a wonderful week-end on the french countryside.
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My partners in crime for the week-end; Erica and Jules on our way to Le Vaumin. |
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Waiting for the clams by the pond. |

At the dinner table I noticed to my surprise that I was going to sit next to Jean-Baptiste Isabel, his last name was Isabel. I could not stop asking questions and apparently he had family from Spain and it is a common thing there to take first name as last names? Imagine if we were to get married...
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Then we danced till late in the morning when I got set up with a young french guy by his parents (#1?!). I got his name and his home adress (#2?!) on a little note. But that's another story.
4 juni 2014
Gimme some lovin'
Hello everybody! Just bicycled my way through all Paris and saw the sunrise over the beautiful bridges over La Seine. What a nice way to start your day! I'm so sad I don't have my iPhone anymore (so I could have shown a post-card similar photo), it got stolen 3 months ago and I'm forbidding myself to buy one for at least one year :'(
Now I'm kickstarting my day and the never-ending to-do-list. And to my new readers I just wanted to say that you can follow me on bloglovin' here.
2 juni 2014
Paris eating
I've had my brother here for a couple of days, visiting from Stockholm! A lot of walking, eating and whine! One day we had lunch at this new little pearl that I recently discovered called Lucky Luciano in the 10th arrondissement. Lovely italian food, friendly and nice looking waiters and a pretty and modern interior... 1, Cour des Petites Ecuries in the 10th if you want to go.
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