13 maj 2014

5 reasons not to date a parisian guy

La suite to my previous post about why you should date a parisian guy, here are 5 reasons why you might need to think twice...

1. They sure know how to talk your ears off, if you're playing the nice-girl-card, be prepared to do a lot of listening cause these guys are generally not the type who will ask questions.

2. If they're under 25 it is likely that they still live with their mommy and daddy...

3. As a swedish girl with a lot to say in this matter I've often found that it can be difficult to talk about gender equality with these guys, we're not really at the same place...

4. If you've been living here for a while and found your "entourage" and favorite bars and so on, you can be sure to date or hook up with one or two of your exes friends. Or just finding out that one of your friends recently hooked up with one of yours... Paris is very small.

5. You can never know if they're really single (no matter what they say) or not until you've paid a little visit to see their bachelor pad. And even then...

8 kommentarer:

Unknown sa...

Hej Isabelle! I'm a friend of Caroline Sj, we've met couple of time, I've found your blog from a friend sharing it on FB, as a parisian I must say i kinda disagree, the cliché is obvious and I believe in "we have the friends we deserve". Thats works for date too, I daresay you didn't make the good choice as you might have everywhere else. I'm thiking that i may have a look on Caro & Frida's blog soon as well :D
Hejda !

Anonym sa...

There's a reason for the cliché. French people are supported by their parents for much longer if they're studying since you don't have the same study loan system that Sweden has. The French society is definitely way behind on understanding feminism, there's really nothing you can say against that. This also means that men are more likely to act according to the masculine gender role, which is to talk a lot and value women's opinions less. And that goes for any society that has problems with sexism. As for French men cheating a lot I suppose it's more debatable. But pretty much any foreign person I've met has the same observation about French dating culture. I feel like casual dating isn't as common as in Sweden, but that also means that the bonds of relationships are trivialized a bit. Judging from movies, literature etc, it also seems more socially accepted and almost like a proof of masculinity to have a woman on the side.
/Another Swedish girl

Anonym sa...

I feel like the above comments are trying to justify chauvinism or being unfaithful. If a society cannot both identify and work to eliminate its flaws, then it will never progress. This goes for any culture anywhere. I appreciate Isabel's candor. Her comments aren't just random or mean, they're observations. I lived in Paris for 2 years and had very similar experiences dating Parisian men, as did my other ex-patriate friends.

Anonym sa...

I really didn't mean to excuse the chauvinism! Quite the opposite. I wanted to make clear how ingrained it is in their culture. Maybe I tried to be too diplomatic and it came off as me defending their attitude. I would probably be much harsher in my critique of French men than the blog post in question.

Unknown sa...
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
Unknown sa...

I don't have your names, so I'm just going to try and answer anyways. For the first person who commented who I don't know, but you say we met through friends, so that must be true. From your " we have the friends we friends we deserve" i can only guess you wanted to say that whoever finds a lying, cheating man in their life deserve it? And to quote your second statement; "you didn't make the good choice" I must say that I don't think it's a choice to be lied to, neither to be cheated on. I think one can be bad at judging people, but when it comes to trusting people for better or for worse I do not see at as a lack of the talent in good choice-making.

Another Swedish girl: i totally agree, I'm well aware of the cultural differences linked to the fact that the student aid for everybody is not as normal here as it is in Sweden. It was more a joke than a mockery. And as for the feminism issue, I feel that their debate has stopped after the 70's, most of the people I talk to with about this issue seem to think that feminists are overreacting, being too demanding have unrealistic goals etc... And for how infidelity is depicted in french films, coming from someone who's been working and spending a lot of time with people in the movie-business I cannot agree more!!!

Thank you for contributing and sharing your thoughts!


Christine&Paris sa...

Haha, underbart! Det är mitt i prick, även om det nu är skrivet med ironi. Jag har verkligen liknande erfarenheter ;)

Unknown sa...

haha, ja lika mycket ironi som sanning bakom dessa inlägg! ;) Tack!