16 maj 2014

5 questions to a professional Don Juan

Sélim Niederhoffer is your perfect french seducer. He runs the website Artdeseduire.com and knows a great amount about flirting, le jeu de la seduction and parisian men. I asked him if he wanted to answer a few questions regarding my last posts about parisian men and he replied that he'd be happy to.  

1. Do you agree with the statement that parisian men like to talk a lot? 
No, not really, I know a lot of Parisian men who would be happy to shorten the dating process and to talk less !  

2. How would you say parisian men/women reflect upon infidelity in general? 
You can find two main sides about infidelity : the ones who know it is necessary and is not a problem as long as it remains a rare thing, and the ones who strongly condemn it. And then, the worst people, the ones who can not choose side : they say they are against infidelity but tolerate it when they commit it ! The divorce ratio in France is 1/3 (one mariage out of three finishes with a divorce), when it is 1/2 for Paris...  

3. If you were to give advice on how to best pick up a frenchie in Paris, but instead of giving it to men, it’s for women, what would that be?
Smile girl ! Love yourself, be selfconfident, be willing to try new things, and be ready to date men who will not commit !  

4. What does a feminist stand for in your opinion ?
Feminism for me is good  when it is used for fighting good battles : violences against women, excision, education, salary gap. I want my mother, my sister and my girlfriend to enjoy the same rights at work as their male counterparts... but I am fed up with everyone spending their time complaining. Things are changing, slowly, so let's be patient and let's all work together. PS : I read about an article about Sweden forcing little guys to pee sitting like girls, it made me laugh. This is a typical case of feminism going too far ! 

5. Last word, is there something you’d like to add to the conversation?  
I must confess I really liked your articles about dating a Parisian guy (which I am not, I was born in Strasbourg !), and I will be glad to continue this conversation with you on my personal blog, selimniederhoffer.com ! 

Sélim is sharing dating tips for men on www.artdeseduire.com on a daily basis.

 Do you agree with Sélim? Disagree? Leave your comment below!

5 kommentarer:

Camilla Hedblom sa...

Jag undrar var tusan han lästa att "vi tvingar små pojkar att sitta ner när dem kissar" Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

Unknown sa...

haha, ja den är lite underlig. får fråga honom!

Anonym sa...


Alltså inte ett initiativ från ett feministiskt håll, utan en manlig vänsterpartist som ville ha rena toaletter på landstinget i Sörmland.

To the French PUA-dude: It was a local initiative by a male politican to get gender neutral toilets at their workplace, with the rule to pee sitting down in order to keep the toilets clean. Maybe not the best idea ever, but hardly an example of feminism gone mad.

Saying that you're tired of hearing an oppressed group complaining about their lack of rights is also pretty damn offensive.

Anonym sa...

to "Anonymous'

that was a comment only possibly derived from a short minded feminist with selective comprehension abilities... he said he wants men and women to 'work together' to be able to 'enjoy the same rights' and that he doesn't like the complaining (who does?) and we 'must be patient'.
that sounds FINE by me.

and for the neutral toilet bullshit - which really is the dumbest national financial investment - we can't really blame him for not knowing the exact situation in a country that is not his. how many things do you not hear on a daily basis about countries that you use to generalise or as anecdotes in arguments/conversations that you don't have the full information about?

get off your feminist high horse dude.

Les Mots Magiques sa...

Thanks for the comments Anonym and Thanh N !

I will try to read more about the toilets thing !
