* Man skulle kunna tro att jag inte gör något annat än pick-nickar, men det är ju inte sant. Igår var jag exempelvis på teater i Marais och tittade på en gammal kollega till mig som jag jobbade med under turnén med Riksteatern för snart två år sedan. Jag måste ju också börja träna på mina egna repliker inför vårt uppspel om en och en halv månad! Ihhh!
29 apr. 2010
Oh la la la chaleur
28 apr. 2010
Belleville pue un peu
27 apr. 2010
Dire adieu
To say goodbye and to resign from a job is never easy, but I guess that's normal, it shows that you care. I gave my 2 weeks notice to the restaurant today. Feels like a relief, but I'm glad I worked there, I think it's made me stronger in a way. People can be so rude in the restuarantbusiness, I needed that, I can not get angry or show people when I am... Anyway, I didn't think I was going to stay there for this long. But hey, now awaits two more months of Paris (and Sweden) then I'm off to Barceloona with Annina!
* Och ni vet alla mina svenska kompisar som har tänkt komma hit, kom nu, det är redan vår här. Och då menar jag riktigt varm vår, med väder för klänningar, pick-nickar och solning i parken! Komsi komsi!
(FYI I did NOT give my notice by telephone)
Sunday-picknick aux Buttes Chaumont
24 apr. 2010
Come over to the window my little darling

*It's warm and sunny today, weather for dresses and sandals, but oh I don't have any here, left all my summerclothes/shoes in Sweden, a good reson for me to out shopping! Bisousbisous
23 apr. 2010
22 apr. 2010
21 apr. 2010
Vous êtes anglaise?
Today at work:
-Vous avez un petit accent mademoiselle.
-Oui, c'est correct- vous avez raison.
- ...Vous êtes anglaise?
- Eh non, ce petit accent viens de Suède.
-Aahhhh DE SUÈDE!!! (happy face)
-Eh, oui... (huh?)
-Je croyais que vous étiez anglaise...
Apparently my accent sounds like when a british person's speaking french. Interesting I must say, after 2 courses of phonetics at La Sorbonne this is what you get out of it...
17 apr. 2010
A friday
13 apr. 2010
Festivals and swedish summer
Arvika -07
Roskilde -07, mud, mud and mud!

Roskilde -07 again. It's raining during The Killers concert!
Arvika -08
I miss going on festivals! There was a time when I did it every year, I either went there as a visitor or worked. Mostly I worked. I put up a play together with friends or organized different stages. Me and my friends went to the PBS (party back stage) and danced all night long and flirted with all the artists we came over. I kind of miss it a little... Maybe not sleeping in tents and waking up hungover in a wet sleeping-bag... But the long swedish summernights, when it's bright all night, and the music and all the friends gathered at one place, happy dancing all night long... Those were the days!
12 apr. 2010
Fête des chauds lapin

8 apr. 2010
Bonne nuit Paris
La cafétière parfaite - The perfect coffeemaker

Le Danger
6 apr. 2010
Karin Crona

Longfriday and swedish easterdinner chez moi. On a mangé du hareng et des oeufs avec "kaviar", trés trés bon! Merci les filles! We were 7 happy suédoises, and Louise of course, ma britannique! I'll give you a picture of the swedish delights, since my only photo of the girls is trop flou. Allez, now I'm gonna see if I can find a swimming-pool in the 17th arr... Exciting... A plus!
Hej hej allihopa. Dålig uppdatering senaste veckan, je sais... Har helt enkelt varit väldigt upptagen. Jag och syrran har turistat, ätit ute, pick-nickat (iskallt) och druckit x antal vin på fina barer... Nu har hon åkt och det är ensamt!
*Bad updates latley, je sais, but I've been very busy last week... Pic-nic in Buttes Chaumont, checking in Monet, Cezanne, Pisarro and Van Gogh at Musée d'Orsay, frenchy dinner at Chartier, coffe and whine by Canal Saint Martin, vintage-shopping in Le Marais, walking in Jardin des Tuileries, drinks at Chez Jeanette, oh what week!
1 apr. 2010
Royal breakfast
* Royal breakfast with croissants from Eric Kayser, my local bakery. Nice.
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