Nu sitter jag och kollar på Våra vänners liv på svtplay, tacka vet jag det. Tack tack Sveriges Television. Och så har jag gjort min egen houmous för andra gången på en vecka, tack fina Frida, Caroline och Sarah för bästa födelsedagspresenten: stavmixern♥ Kommer komma väl till hands. Jag lovar att inte föräta mig på houmousen bara, hehe (eller jag ska göra mitt bästa, håller inga löften). Förövrigt är jag sjukt trött och ser redan fram emot helgen. Har trettio hela timmar delat på tre dagar till att jobba. Kan det inte hända något intressant nu snart? Jag vill jag vill! Ok. Nu ska jag titta klart på vännerna. Vi ses snart finisar.
* Watching swedish television online and enjoying home-made-houmous! Now you know what I'll bring for all future dinners to come my friends. By the way I'm awfully tired and I get a bit scared when I think about that I have another 30 hours to work before it's the week-end. And by the way, I really want something exciting to happen now, a travel, a new job, getting accepted at a new certain school et ceatera... Who wants to travel with me? And second btw, I'd really like to go and see this group in Paris when they're coming in a couple of weeks. Just need to find somebody that wants to go with me.
* Watching swedish television online and enjoying home-made-houmous! Now you know what I'll bring for all future dinners to come my friends. By the way I'm awfully tired and I get a bit scared when I think about that I have another 30 hours to work before it's the week-end. And by the way, I really want something exciting to happen now, a travel, a new job, getting accepted at a new certain school et ceatera... Who wants to travel with me? And second btw, I'd really like to go and see this group in Paris when they're coming in a couple of weeks. Just need to find somebody that wants to go with me.
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