19 sep. 2013

Easy come, easy go

De senaste två veckorna har jag insett 2 saker. Den första varande denna: det spelar egentligen ingen roll hur han ser ut,  om han är den mest stylade killen på planeten, om han är en nyutgiven författare, om han är 35  eller 25, eller om du gillar hans lockar, det spelar ingen roll vad han gör i livet, om han hör av sig varje dag under tiden ni inte ses, eller om han hör av sig endast en gång på de tre veckorna. Det viktigaste är att du gillar hans kyssar, sättet han omfamnar dig på, hur han ser ut när han tittar på dig och hur du känner dig i hans närhet, men framförallt i hans frånvaro ... Hur mycket du tror på det när han säger att han vill vara tillsammans med dig och bara dig, hur långt in det tar sig och vart det träffar, det är det som räknas. Inte ett sms per dag och hur mår du. Den andra saken jag lärt mig är : easy come easy go.

13 sep. 2013

Do you know how to do anything? Do you know how to sing, play an instrument, run very fast? No, no no.

This video <3 a="" and="" backpack="" it="" italian.="" italy="" learn="" like="" live="" makes="" me="" nbsp="" off="" p="" take="" to="" vagabond="" want="" with="">

11 sep. 2013

of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine

My week-end; we're starting off with Saturday cause I forgot to take photos of friday(came home at 21:30 after 2 spritz). I went to a friends art exhibition/event called "passage/ pas sage. Anyway, lots of people and art, and performances, and concerts.
I met Thibault! :)
Then I saw Jeanne for the 3d day in a row, got very happy to see her again of course, her man was there but it was too dark when I decided to photograph all the 3 of us at midnight!:/
Then it was Sunday and I woke up on the other side of the world (the 16th arrondissement) so we decided to go to Palais de Tokyo and have lunch.
1.They have a funny menu. 2. We drank pink and orange smoothies. 3. G ate a whole fish, Daurade.
We walked along Laaaa Seine.  Then we saw "The new 'Scream' movie 'You're next' and it was really bad and a lot funnier then I'd expected. That was le week-end. Belle journée. 

7 sep. 2013


Follow me on instagrammie if you want, @isabellindstrom ;)

Thursdays are the new Fridays

Last Thursday I was invited by my friend Mimo to a Le Coq Sportif's BBQ on their very own rooftop!
I came straight after work cause it was Soo close, I got more crowded later on. But here a snap of the venue and some of the Parisian chimneys.
I met Paul(right) who's studying fashion in Brussels nowadays! It was a really nice surprise since I hadn't seen him for a while! Here with his friend Pablo!
Me and Mimo! Organisator of the event! Such a professional friend I've got!;)
Pablo wanted to make faces all the time.
And here I had just said a very funny thing and Paul couldn't stop laughing so I felt I had to immortalize the moment.
#sunset in Paris
here I was told to look like a model who's eating something, anything.

You can see the Eiffeltower on the left!;)